captains log 0258

so, sale update! shirts are printed and shipping to me. calendars are printing, and shipping soon to me. so hoping to begin this next week. apologies on the long wait, no one to blame buy myself as always. i appreciate your patience.

also, unrelated, but i mentioned i did a project with Natural Selections, for their tour. and they also made / sold NFT’s of said posters. one has released already, the next two are still to come. to be clear, they’re selling them, i don’t have any to sell, i’m what you might call ‘a gun for hire.’ but they asked if i’d be up for an interview today at 4:30 PST - in approximately 1 hour. here be the link to the discord discussion. i’m just along for the ride but some of you are probably already way more into the know in this dimension, so i’m passing along the link in case it is of interest. please stop by and ask how my fury road poster is coming along, i need that motivation.

*BREAKING NEWS* - i just found out its an AUDIO interview. like, me talking. man, is this exciting or what?

anywho, in other news, all else goes well. shipping shoe orders now. some links to tide you over.
- alex toth / genius
- children of men / this scene / this song. both good.
- this two parter for david lettermans interview was awesome. man, nostalgia. awesome dave.
- rev al green, two clips from the same performance.
- goodbye louie.

thanks to richard for this pic of his Governator signed Terminator print. WHO DIDN’T GIVE HIS LIKENESS RIGHTS TO THE PRINT. ha ha, all good, all good. originally kyle’s nikes had swooshes on them but i was told to take em out. ouch.