captains log 0263

well shoot, april 14th once again rolls around, another one for the history books. just to double triple check, let us know if you have any outstanding orders with us, i assume everything has landed safely. if not, email email email. also, unrelated to shipping but related to life, i believe i have an event coming up at the end of this month that i’ll be at. portland area on the 30th of april. i can post info if people are interested. please, no flash photography or banging on the glass.

til then, all the links that’s fit to print. that’re. that are.
- they finally revealed all of these rascals. they don’t give me any info on when they are dropping them, my involvement did not extend beyond finishing the posters. but nice to see the project through its completion.
- Dune Score / Baron / Sound. possibly the best movie i saw last year.
- bootleg robocop - just a heads up, if you see something that is 55” x 39”, that isn’t a real poster, certainly not screenprinted. i assume its a low resolution print out from a color printer. so, there ya go, public service announcement.
- in baseball news, i thought this was neat. sports. in other twitter news, alan moore.

- lastly, an emotional write up regarding one of my neighbors from across the river in pdx. our thoughts go out to her friends and family.