captains log 0277

greeeeetings. hope all is well. just a heads up i have a poster on ebay. to be more specific, i am selling a print on ebay to raise funds for a person in our family that passed away last week. her sister also has a gofundme running, if you wish to donate to that.

a bit about the sale. hopefully its pretty clear. not sure why ebay charges a bit more for shipping than i do. honestly that whole ebay business, just not easy to figure out for a poor sap like me. but yeah, sale starts today. ends sunday, 10AM.

if there was a question and answer forum, some might ask
Q: do i get a tax write off for the money i spend on this, since its a fundraiser?
A: no. you get a poster, just like a normal poster purchase. the money you spend will go towards the gofundme, but from tstout.

Q: it says you get a sketch as well, if it goes over 500. can i pick the sketch?
A: no. that would ruin the surprise.

so there ya go. if you have the poster already, tell your friends, spread the word. if you don’t have it, i assume you’ll keep it a secret since you’d like to purchase it for $1. hey, i would too.