captains log 0281

well, the month of may, the sun has come to the pacific northwoods. and with it, lawns to mow. no complaints.

not much new to report, some items still in motion, hoping to have some items for sale soon, but til then, a bunch of links for your approval.

- first off, the epic fantastic artist brian ewing has some medical concerns that aren’t any fun to deal with, but here is his gofundme. if you have a few gold pieces to throw his way, it would be much appreciated. the poster business is an exciting adventure but alas, good healthcare insurance is usually one of the things it lacks.

- also from the land of rock posters, one of my other poster heroes has passed on. Frank Kozik, one of the reasons i got into posters in the first place, is no more among us. he left an indelible mark on my brain, as well as my career, and will be missed.

- in non-poster related news, this comic book artist apparently changed the comic world. always interesting to see what inspired the people who inspire us.
- empire strikes back. some fun behind the scenes info.
- film making character design.
- walrus. lighter.
- dune. father, the sleeper is not ready to get out of bed yet. too early.