captains log 0286

O July, July, the month gone too soon! here we are in august already. and the question is, are you ready? i’m not, but time marches on.
so in the eternal sense, i guess i am ready.

the big news is phish nyc, currently ongoing, i did a poster that i’ll have for sale at some point.
if you’re not on my mailing list, get on it, party time.

in other news, my printer andrew had heart surgery, they put in a few new things, including a new found love of ska music (i hope), and from all accounts its going well! he’s out of the hospital sarah says, she knows these things. still, his downtime will be costly as a business owner, so he has a gofundme ongoing, check it out. you know us artist types, we all got into this field for the great retirement plan and amazing healthcare.

also, did some work for VMP, a record joint that produces quality work. this one is sold out but i believe they’ll have a few colorways at the end of the day. testing the waters.

also, i am pretty terrible at sharing amazing things people send me pictures of, but here are two i remembered to share:
- richard’s Civil War signature collection. amazing work.
- spencer’s amazing The Thing handbill frame up. great job!

other links for your approval -
- saw the new mission impossible. reminded me of this.
- this late late with adam pally / ben schwartz is somewhat hilarious.
- double it.
- how to start knife making. watching this technically equals making a knife. it counts.
- small soldiers 2? the video game? i dunno
- time to learn french. its time. le time.