captains log 0296

greetings! so, according to the little lady who sits behind the curtain, we have finished shipping. huzzah. if you haven’t gotten tracking, or just have general concerns, drop us a note. and thanks again for all your patronage. updated this portfolio website so hopefully it’s 100% current, drop me a note if not. other than my lasercut stuff. i gotta take pictures of that stuff! or have sarah do it.

otherwise, keep outta trouble, keep your head above water and keep watching the skies.
- halo 2 voice acting. i did not know miguel ferrer was in that mix.
- why didn’t R.O.T.O.R. catch on like robocop? oh that’s why.
- sisu. seen it, pretty good, preeeeettty good.
- there will be blood interview. some good questions.
- trap door. yes i remember this.
- elvis is still alive. i also remember this.
- a nice walk down memory lane with willem dafoe.
- interesting look into carl barks. my kids are big fans of those fantagraphic collections.
- kinda an interesting look at modern filmmaking vs the olden days