captains log 0266

trying to wrap up new things, but i do have some of these wood burns left that sarah is currently shipping. if you’re interested, you can pick one up here - if not… that’s ok. EDIT (so the reason new ones keep popping up, selling out then coming back again, i had a few orders with multiples, so once those were refunded, those copies went back up. just to avoid any confusion. thanks for your orders!)

otherwise, hopefully i can get new stuff done and be a normal human being again. i try, and i try, and i try. its not easy.

til then, submitting these important historical documentaries for your approval.
- important halloween candy announcement. gotta watch out, lotta weirdos out there.
- ant. i’m sure everyone saw this but man, that’s wild.
- kinda an interesting book cover article. i try not to judge book cover articles by their…covers
- having just rewatched alien 1-3, the directors cut of alien 3 is superior. TO ME anyways. or assembly cut or whatever they’re calling it.
- something japanese and i have in common. its just interesting how organic it looks.
- human league. i’d wear a human league shirt. elvis. haven’t seen the new movie yet. but i used to work at a video store and would play Aloha from Hawaii on vhs nonstop. it was awesome. people complained.
- tenet explained. BUT DOES IT?