captains log 0265: BACK FROM THE DEAD

geez, what a long strange…summer its been. actually its been great, spent at a month hammering nails at my kids summer camp, built a chicken coop on the ol stout compound, got my barn all organized. been putting off my social media updates, longer it went the more weird i felt about it, turned into a thing, like a phobia thing, weird. but hey, the rain is on its way so my time outside it probably at its end. time to pay the bills, as sarah likes to shout at me. so, hopefully the tstoutdotcom machine will begin rumbling back to life soon enough. first off, finally fulfilling those wood cuts i promised many moons ago, so will offer those up for sale to the original buyers first, then if they pass, onto the general populace. also some music stuff and hopefully other stuff, time to buckle down and make it happen cap’n. so, just an update to say hey, i am not yet dead. hopefully most of you are alive as well! if not, hopefully you’re not reading this. it will be a letdown compared to the afterlife.

UNTIL THEN, here are some links that i have been storing up in my cheeks like a squirrel with his nuts. that doesn’t sound weird at all.
- sharing this neat frame up ol chad sent me. pretty sweet!
- my comics intake has slowed over the years, but i did pick this up from mr ross. interesting making of.
- also, i will be picking this up. moebius. amazing.
- now this is wild. lionfish. invasive. wild. of course i will never scuba dive. the sharks will get me. or these will.
- nostalgia is a powerful drug. gucci knows, they know.
- this was an interesting article about art. netflix. reproductions. etc. and this article was like a different language.
- on a much more somber note, these talks are pretty heart wrenching. R.J. Miller has some insightful thoughts.
- lastly, on the upswing, these always pick me up. the original. the timeless jayhawks. good stuff.