captains log 0261: endetider

greetings, well we’ve done it. finally, after three months, done with shipping. and i gotta say, brutal. i wonder if the day of the preorder is coming to an end, the uncertainty of things being printed, between this and that and the other, so many things needing to gather in one place before shipping can occur. enough to drive a person batty. but, regardless, we are pretty much done. if you haven’t received tracking, drop us an email and sarah will look into it. if you received your package and it wasn’t worth waiting this long for, drop us a note, we’ll refund ya. its pretty relaxed around here, the goal is to just go out on a high note. whenever that may be. not any time soon, but possibly tomorrow.

not sure what lies on the horizon, whatever it is people will probably be like “I WAITED FOR THIS??” and that’s true, doubtless to be a letdown to some! i’m just looking forward to a stress free nights sleep. also, i’d link this facebook group where people supposedly post what they received in the last sale, but honestly i have no idea what they post because i’m on the outside of facebook, looking in.

anywho, regardless, here’s some links to life your spirit. it’ll get better, whatever trying times you’re in, as humans we are blessed/cursed with short memories, there’s always upswings.
- Torch Lady iconic photo
- John Carter - honestly, i enjoyed it. a bit long but definitely could have used a sequel. alas.
- Beetlejuice. i haven’t even watched all of this, i just assume its critical info people need to know.
- QT and Edgar Wright discuss star wars. huh.
- kinda neat akira walk through. can’t get enough. plus this was amaaaaaazing.
- i’m curious to know who bought this. if you read this, i’d be up for a trade.
- DINO MAN reacts to dino saurs. but what about dino saucers?

lastly, our thoughts are with those suffering from war thrust upon them. pray for peace.