captains log 0260

WELL. man, what an amazing couple of months. died. rose again. repeat. exciting stuff. but obviously, hugely slacking on what i owe to people. things shipping this week.

for anyone interested in a refund, i’m going to move it up to the 300% money back mark, if you spent $10 and want a refund, sarah will refund you $30 back. this will motivate us to quickly ship. at some point the refund will be so crazy everyone will ask for refunds. but my belief, my hope, my faith is we shall ship before that point!

for those still in the game, man, i appreciate your patience, undeserved, unwarranted but so so appreciated. i’m hoping to make it up to you. you’ll see some poster images on the banner below, those (and many others) will be inserted randomly into orders. could be perfect. could be slightly damaged. could be part of the edition! could be an extra that i mark with a skull! if you ordered a calendar (which ship in tubes) - your chance of getting something one of these rarities is like, one in 10. if you ordered a stickerpack, which is no less important, but ships slightly smaller…you’ll get some handbills but i’ll throw some into tubes as well. your chance of getting a cool poster with your sticker order will be more like, one in 200. less odds, but still, odds! so that’s good.

i’m not endorsing gambling in any way, this is all a random poster insertion, no additional money can change hands now, can’t increase your chances but hey, hopefully the excitement is reward enough!