captains log 0292

just an update, which i realize are few and far between these days, not sure why i have developed an aversion to posting stuff online, must be a weird mental thing.

as far as i know, everything from has shipped. there should be no outstanding orders, we should owe nobody anything. please drop us a note if this is not the case for you, and once again, i appreciate your patience from that last order. coming up, i have some sticker stuff, my phish poster and lunar calendars. also talks of a movie screening event on the horizon. we’ll see.

til then, some links for your viewing pleasure.
- tis the season for thing related goodness: game / set / match
- the process behind poster restoration. i realize it doesn’t work on all posters (i’ve seen mixed results), but cool to see where it does work.
- i’m kinda on the fence about getting one of these, for small personal type runs. fun.
- fifield monster. interesting the decisions that were made, personally i prefer the practical effects.
- this is interesting, especially for Audrey Kawasaki fans, but really for everyone.
- and lastly, for akira fans, a treat seeing history being made, though they didn’t realize it at the time.