captains log 0293: come sale away

man, december 2023, where has the year gone? a myriad of memories. anywho, i have an upcoming poster / sticker sale on the books, so if you’re on my mailing list, expect an email regarding that. if you’re not on my mailing list, do not expect that email.

otherwise, enjoy this month, hope it treats you well, be kind and i’m rooting for kindness to be shown to ye. til then, here are some links that you might enjoy.
- the greatest poster OF ALL TIME…or a great poster anywho
- Rodney Dangerfield / a pretty classic standup routine
- some cool behind the scenes stuff. or some mindhunters stuff. movie magic!
- lo, quark, i do remember you. not a huge fan but still.
- ol mcconaughey, tellin’ texan tales
- aye carumba, apparently this touched a nerve, people are into lasers and screenprinting.
- in an alternate universe The Coupe De Villes are still touring and making hits, ol johnny c killin it!